Survivor: Cagayan – Episode 3 – Recap and Results – Our Time to Shine - Survivor 2020 Turkiye Fan Club Hoşgeldiniz

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3 Nisan 2014 Perşembe


Survivor: Cagayan – Episode 3 – Recap and Results – Our Time to Shine

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-I don’t know if it’s all that smart for Morgan to call out Jeremiah in front of everyone for not voting with her. Sure, it might cause suspicion to fall on Jeremiah, but I think it has the added effect of making Morgan out to be a schemer in her own right, as it’s clearly a manipulative play on her part to keep from being the next person sent home. Of course, I say this, but Morgan is quick to bring Alexis aboard the Jeremiah hate-train simply by telling her he wanted her gone. So maybe there’s merit to her not-so-subtle anti-Jeremiah campaign.

-Over on the Brains tribe, J’Tia acknowledges that she’s the reason her tribe is hungry, since she dumped out all the rice. So she’s intent on redeeming herself in the reward challenge, practicing extensively with Tasha once they learn, via tree mail, that it will be one of those “blindfold obstacle course with caller directing their teammates” challenges. I find it interesting that tree mail is no longer being vague about what the challenge will be, since last week’s challenge straight-up told each tribe what it would be. This gives each tribe more time to prepare, and I wonder if this is because tribes have been felled by the vagueness of past challenges. Then again, former castaways have stated that they can ask questions about the challenge after Probst explains the rules if there’s anything they don’t understand. But this seems more like an attempt to get things moving quicker, as each tribe comes in knowing what to do, for the most part.

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